Cookies policy


In compliance with the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), Zaruk has drawn up the Cookie Policy detailed below, the aim of which is to provide clear and complete information on the use of cookies on this website, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

If you continue browsing this website, we understand that you consent to their use and installation.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small alphanumeric texts that are stored in the user’s terminal when you visit almost any web page. Their functionality will allow your visit to be remembered when you return to browse this website

What types of cookies are there?

Depending on the entity that manages the equipment or domain from which the cookies are sent, we can distinguish between:
  • First-party cookies: These are generated by the website you are visiting and are owned by the website editor.
  • Third-party cookies: These are generated from a domain or computer that is not managed by the editor of the page, but by a third party entity responsible for and owner of the same.
Depending on the length of time they remain activated on the user’s computer, we can distinguish between:
  • Session Cookies: These cookies collect and store data while the user accesses a web page, and are usually used to store the information necessary for the provision of a service requested by the user in a single session.
  • Persistent cookies: In these cookies, the data remains stored in the user’s terminal and can be processed for a defined period of time by the party responsible for the cookie.
Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through the cookies are processed, they may be:
  • Technical cookies: these are the cookies necessary for the operation of the website.
  • Personalisation cookies: These cookies make it possible for each user to configure aspects such as the language in which they wish to view a web page.
  • Analysis or performance cookies: These cookies allow the monitoring and analysis of the behaviour of website users in an anonymous way.
  • Advertising cookies: These enable the implementation of efficiency parameters in the advertising offered on a website.
  • Behavioural advertising cookies: These cookies store information on the behaviour of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows a specific profile to be developed in order to display advertising based on the same.

What cookies are used on this website?

This website uses the following cookies:


Cookie pll_language
Description: The pll _language cookie is used by Polylang to remember the language selected by the user when returning to the website, and also to get the language information when not available in another way.
Duration: 1 year
Type: Functional

Cookie sp_t.
Description: The sp_t cookie is set by Spotify to implement audio content from Spotify on the website and also registers information on user interaction related to the audio content.
Duration: 1 year
Type: Functional

Cookie sp_landing
Description: The sp_landing is set by Spotify to implement audio content from Spotify on the website and also registers information on user interaction related to the audio content.
Duration: 1 day
Type: Functional


Description: YouTube sets this cookie via embedded youtube-videos and registers anonymous statistical data.
Duration: 2 years
Type: Analytics


Cookie yt-remote-device-id
Description: YouTube sets this cookie to store the video preferences of the user using embedded YouTube video.
Duration: Never
Type: Advertisement

Cookie yt.innertube::requests
Description: This cookie, set by YouTube, registers a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen.
Duration: Never
Type: Advertisement

Cookie yt.innertube::nextId
Description: This cookie, set by YouTube, registers a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen.
Duration: Never
Type: Advertisement

Cookie yt-remote-connected-devices
Description: YouTube sets this cookie to store the video preferences of the user using embedded YouTube video.
Duration: Never
Type: Advertisement


Cookie loglevel
Description: No description available.
Duration: Never
Type: Other

How to uninstall cookies?

You can restrict, block or delete cookies from any website through your browser. The operation of the most commonly used browsers can be found in the following links:
  • Internet Explorer:”ie-10″
  • Firefox:
  • Chrome:”es”
  • Safari:

Updating of the Cookies Policy

The Cookies Policy may be changed to adapt it to the different legislative changes that may occur, so we recommend that each time you access this page you access this information.
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